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Stack is an addictive arcade game that challenges players to stack a pile of blocks as high as possible. Hone your timing skills with this game!

Get ready for stacking mania with Stack, a game that requires you to build a tower by stacking blocks. As simple as that may sound, any part of the block without support below will just fall off, making it harder for players to stack the upcoming blocks. Try your best to make the perfect stack with the right timing!

Stack features challenging yet addictive gameplay. The players begin by toppling one block on another to create a tower. To make things more difficult, the blocks move in different directions, and any part of the block without support below will fall off. This leaves the players with less and less space to place the upcoming blocks. However, with enough practice, players can stack "perfect" blocks. This happens when the upper block fits perfectly with the lower block, and there is no block part falling down. Keep on trying to build the highest towers ever and share your high scores with friends!

How To Play

  • Click to stack a block on another. Try to stack as many blocks as you can!
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